Rummy Score -Play Smart

by TwinMagnets



Enjoy your rummy with your friends and family. I will handle your scores smartly

Hello...! I am Rummy Score. I do rummy game score calculation smartly.You just enjoy your game play and i will update your scores and keep track of them automatically.Say No to that old fashioned method of noting down scores on a notepad and calculating manually.I am well programmed to handle this task. i can handle RE-JOIN well.You just set the counts (Drop, Middle Drop, Full Count, Target Count). I will get them and handle those automatically.My Features are:-->User Friendly.-->Environment Friendly.-->Fully Automated.-->Save your scores and keep track of those.-->i know when to Re-Join a player.-->Leader Board-->Game Analysis-->and one more thing, you love my opening screen for sure***How to Use?Step 1: (its a one time job)Enter the counts like Drop count, Middle Drop count, Full Count, Target Count and select what need to be done while rejoining the player like Set next high score or set next high score +1.Step 2: Enter Number of players.Step 3:Enter player Names.Step 4:Now all set. Start playing and update your scores for each round after your play. I will take care of them.Click next after entering your scores to move to next round. you can navigate to any round you want and can check your scores.Note: Rejoin option will be displayed only when a player score reaches the target count and if the player with next high score is having a drop chance.If you want to rejoin any player, you must rejoin them first before entering the scores of other players and then add the actual scores.Step 5:Check the game analysis while playing or when the game is over. you can see leader board positions here.Step 6:you can start New Game once the game is over and follow the same process.Lot more features to explore. Happy Playing.major bug fixesstable release

Read trusted reviews from application customers



This app is good for writing the scores. however it do not have any score/game saving facilities. Also writing some notes against each game is required.

sunny thomas

Good app, but last played game score is not getting saved. If we minimize or accidently close the app, all the score entered will be lost

Binoj PJ

Thi game paints not save

Daya Ch

Points count after rejoin is not working as required..

Padmaraj R S


Jo Re

Is it possible to exclude the person?

tijo jose

Not saved and the whole game points has been gone. Not advised if there is no save option at all.

Mani Kandan

Please make auto save option. It spoiled the game. Crashed while minimized

Murugan Sivaguru

Good app need more features like rejoining , add new players while playing

Sumesh TG